Imaging Protocols

Andrea Clark

Contact Andrea for assistance with scans, reconstructions, image analysis, and protocol development.

Dr. Karl Jepsen

Contact Dr. Jepsen for assistance with developing new research projects involving nano- or micro-CT imaging.

nanotom M

The GE Phoenix Nanotom M is an ex vivo nanofocus computed tomography system. The maximum specimen size is 250 mm in height and 250 mm in diameter. Two targets and a wide selection of filters are available to enhance the quality of the scan and reconstruction. The protocols listed below were originally designed for the GE nanotom S system and are being updated for the nanotom M; if you have a different nanoCT (or microCT) system you will need to adjust the protocol.

Mouse protocols:

Human protocols:

Bruker/Skyscan 1176 High Resolution micro-CT imaging system

TheBruker/Skyscan 1176 High Resolution micro-CT imaging system is an in vivo and ex vivo preclinical specimen scanner designed to non-destructively image tissue specimens at high resolution. It is capable of imaging specimens up to 98mm in diameter with up to a 200mm scan length; and can achieve resolutions to ~9 microns. It has an X-ray source with energy levels up to 90kV, and a selection of different filters allowing for high and low-contrast scans. It has an integrated physiological monitoring (breathing, movement detection, ECG) with 4D time-resolved micro-tomography.


Standard morphological analyses of cortical and trabecular bone are available. These include measurements such as total volume, bone volume, trabecular thickness, trabecular separation, number of trabeculae, structural model index, cortical thickness, cortical inner and outer perimeter, marrow area, and many others. Standards are used to calibrate the CT reconstruction attenuation values to density (Hounsfield Units), thus allowing for bone mineral density measurements as well.